Thursday, November 16, 2017

D517 BBC aka "The Rehearsal Room's Phonic Leftovers Pretty Deep Snare. Parts overview.

As a completion of the restoration works on the Champion, I had planned to turn the 14" 9-ply tom-tom into a snaredrum.

Here are most of the parts for this snaredrum build workaround.

  • Shell is a 9 ply 10 mm super champion (very much like phonic) - from Marcus, Belgium
  • Lugs come from a phonic plus bassdrum. Chrome is bubbly due to deep oxidation - from Friedrich, Drumhouse, Germany.
  • Throw off was on a Force 2000 snaredrum. Well used and not so good looking, but made in Germany and similar to a phonic one. From Valery, Belgium.
  • Tuning rods are what's left over after selecting the best matching rods for the tom-toms. From Marcus, Belgium and from Martin, Germany
  • Heads are second hand REMO: Ambassador snare on reso side, Emperor X reverse dot on batter side. Reso from Valery, Belgium, batter from Clara, Belgium.
  • Hoops are Tama's Power 10-hole. Yeah I know, not SONOR. Heavily pitted, from a late 90s model that I sold a couple of months ago, with new hoops. I had those lying around, so wth. I think I wrote "re-use and recycle" somewhere. Thus from my own private reserve.
  • Snarewires are PURESOUND custom 24 strands. New stuff...
Code is D517 BBC

D is for snaredrum, phonic style
5 is for standard/deep size
1 is for wood shell
7 is for a 7 1/4 shell depth
BBC refers to the finish. Surprise.

Built follows.